How to customize CS: GO Crosshair

CSGO Crosshair

Crosshair affects CS: GO performance a lot. It is used to aim bullets land where your Crosshair points. If you look at the best CSGO players like S1mple, Device, Scream kennyS, they use different kinds of crosshair that suit their game. The default Crosshair is big and you can change it using the Crosshair Settings. CSGo offers Corosshair customization, but that isn’t good. This is the reason, most people end up being frustrated. So, they chose one of the default Crosshairs. In this article, I will explain how to perfectly customize the Crosshair in CSGO. I will also tell you what Crosshair Pro CSGo players use.

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Ways to customize CS: GO Crosshair

You can customize your crosshair in several different ways. Here are the ways.

  1. Settings
  2. Console / Config

1. CS: Go Settings

First of all, let us see how to use default CS: GO crosshair settings. The easiest way is to change the Crosshair using the Crosshair Settings. Follow the path, Settings -> Game Settings -> Crosshair. You will see a screen like below.

CS: GO Crosshair settings

Here you can use different options like Crosshair Style, Center Dot, Length, Thickness, Gap, and more to customize the Crosshair. When you change an option, it will keep showing you its effect on the preview screen. Keep changing these options as select the Crosshair that suits you.

2. Change Crosshair via Console

If you know how to use CSGO Console, you can customize the Crosshair in a better way. Press ~ to open the console and then enter the crosshair commands. Here is the list of CS GO Crosshair Commands you can try to customize the crosshair..

cl_crosshairstyle – sets the crosshair style in the console

  • – default (dynamic)
  • 1 – default (static)
  • 2 – classic style
  • 3 – classic style (dynamic)
  • 4 – classic style (static)

cl_crosshaircolor X – Change the crosshair color. The value of X could from 0 t0 5 numbers.

  • 0 – red
  • 1 – green
  • 2 – yellow
  • 3 – blue
  • 4 – cyan
  • 5 – custom

cl_crosshairdot – use value 1 to enable the dot and 0 to disable the dot.

cl_crosshair_drawoutline – To enable the crosshair outlining. 1 to enable and 0 to disable the outline of the crosshair

cl_crosshairsize – Adust the crosshair size

cl_crosshairalpha – set the crosshair transparency

cl_crosshairgap – Set the gap of your crosshair

cl_crosshairthickness – Set the thickness of Crosshair

cl_crosshair_t – For using T-shaped crosshair. 0 to enable and 1 to disable the T-shaped crosshair

This image will help you in understanding these commands in a better way.


Some CS: Go Crosshair samples and commands

Here are some Crosshair  samples and console commands.

CSGo Crosshair CSGo CrosshairCSGo Crosshair
cl_crosshairsize 3
cl_crosshairgap -2
cl_crosshairdot 0
cl_crosshairthickness 1
cl_crosshaircolor 4
cl_crosshairsize 2
cl_crosshairgap 0
cl_crosshairdot 0
cl_crosshairthickness 0.5
cl_crosshaircolor 1
cl_crosshairsize 3
cl_crosshairgap -3
cl_crosshairdot 0
cl_crosshairthickness 1
cl_crosshaircolor 0

CS: Go Crosshair Generators.

I know it won’t be easy to use these commands. This is the reason there are some online DIY tools where you can use sliders to customize the crosshair and then get the console commands for the specific crosshair you designed.

I personally like CSGOPEDIA’s crosshair generator tool. It is really easy to use.

CSGOPEDIA's crosshair generator

You can use sliders and dropdown to select the size, thickness, gap, outline, color, and she. Once you are done, copy the console command and enter it in the CSGO Console.

There is another Crosshair generator tool by Dathost. This also comes with similar options and generates the Crosshair commands to use in the CS: GO console. See the snapshot below.

CS: GO Crosshair generators

Wrap Up

Now you know how to customize CS: GO crosshair. You can either use the default settings option given in CSGO or use any good CSGo crosshair generator tool. I have also added a few sample Crosshairs with the commands. You can directly copy these commands in the CSGO consoles.

Also see: Counter-Strike: Global Offensive System Requirements

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