Google search improvements, gets better spelling suggestions and image ranking

Google has just pushed an update to its search features. Google has now improved the spelling suggestions and corrections. Google has also improved the image search and few more improvements.

These are the changes made in Google search in the month of january

  • Fresher results
  • Autocomplete spelling corrections.
  • Better spelling full-page replacement.
  • Better spelling corrections for rare queries.
  • Improve detection of recurrent event pages.
  • High-quality sites algorithm improvements.
  • Cross-language refinements.
  • English on Google Saudi Arabia.
  • Improved scrolling for Image Search.
  • Improved image search quality.
  • More relevant related searches.
  • Blending of news results.
  • Automatically disable Google Instant based on computer speed.

The new updated spelling suggestion is now faster due to the use of some changes in the algorithm. The spelling replacement feature in Google search has also been improved. Now it is more accurate than before. This feature returns results for a corrected search term when it is highly confident that you’ve made a spelling mistake. Google hs also made some changes in the way it determines the date of a document. Documents date in Google searches is quite often wrong. Now this update will improve accuracy of the date of documents of the stored in Google database.

Google has also made some changes in the image search. Now, Image Search now scrolls the entire page rather than just the images. Until now the, side bar of the search page with options and filters remained fixed while the thumbnails were scrolled. Now the side bar will also move with the search results. Image ranking has been updated as well, the change should make it easier for better quality web pages to rank higher than others containing the same image.
Read the full announcement here:

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