Acer Debuts Its cloud service, AcerCloud

At CES 2012, Acer has announced a cloud service for its devices. This cloud service will connect all acer smartphones.  It’ll enable easy sharing of documents and photos on Acer devices.

But this cloud service has some limitations. AcerCloud is set up to enable automatic sharing of photos and documents, but only for 30 days. Those files are ultimately backed up permanently on your PC, not in the cloud.

Data saved in cloud can be accessed from anywhere but only for 30 days.  And Acer’s application lets users stream or download music or video files anytime from the cloud. There’s no 30-day limit on

Similarly with AcerCloud Docs, users can make and edit documents on their main PC and when stored in the cloud, they can be accessed on their smart devices. The files will be temporarily accessible for 30 days in the personal cloud and on the devices, or they can choose to download the files on to other devices for long-term storage.

This time the service only works for Android phones right now, though Acer says support for Windows Phones is on the way.

Acer says users can user their phone to retrieve files from the “main PC” anytime via AcerCloud, even if the machine is in sleep mode. The service is said to use both local and cloud storage together so data is “always available.”

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