Now a days, with launch of many series of smart phones, every comapny is targeting smart phone users and developing apps for android, Ios and other smartphone app. They easily forget the users using simple phones. But Facebook has just launch its new app for featured phones which support 2,500 phones.
Facebook wrote is a note, “Today, we’re launching the new Facebook for Every Phone app, which offers a fast and comprehensive Facebook experience on over 2,500 different phones. This app not only includes Facebook’s most popular features, such as News Feed, Inbox, and Photos, but also enables you to upload photos and find friends from your phone’s contacts.”
For downloading this app, go to It is also available on Getjar, Appia and Mobile Weaver.
“We also want to make sure the Facebook for Every Phone app is affordable to try and use, which is why we’ve collaborated with many carriers worldwide (see list below) to offer you free data access to this app for 90 days. This experience is optimized to use less data than other Java apps or mobile sites, making it much more affordable for people to use when the 90-day period ends,” facebook added in note.