1Password keyboard shortcuts

1Password is a popular password manager that keeps all your password safe in an encrypted wallet. This tool also includes a strong password generator. With 1Password, you can have string randomly generated strong passwords for different accounts and you don’t need to remember those passwords. 1Password keeps your passwords in the cloud and makes them available whenever you want to use them for login. If you are using 1Password, you need to learn 1Password keyboard shortcuts for being more productive. Keyboard shortcuts help you do several tasks quickly. In this article, I am listing 1Password keyboard shortcuts. Learn these Keyboard shortcuts.

Also see: LastPass Alternatives

1Password keyboard shortcuts for macOS

Global keyboard shortcuts

Enter your own shortcut.Show 1Password.
Shift-Command-Space barShow Quick Access.
Shift-Command-LLock 1Password.
Command-Backslash (\)Autofill.

1Password app

Command-Slash (/)View keyboard shortcuts.
Command‑Comma (,)Open preferences.
Command‑FSearch for items.
Option-Command-FFind items in the current list.
EscClear the search field.
Command‑1Switch to All Accounts.
Command‑2 to Command‑9Switch accounts and collections.
Command‑Left Bracket ([)Go back.
Command‑Right Bracket (])Go forward.
Down ArrowFocus next row.
Up ArrowFocus previous row.
Right ArrowFocus right section.
Left ArrowFocus left section.
Return or Space barActivate focused element.
Command-CCopy the username or primary field of the selected item.
Shift‑Command‑CCopy the password of the selected item.
Option-Command-CCopy the one-time password of the selected item.
Shift-Command-FOpen the website for the selected login in your browser and fill your username and password.
Command‑OOpen the selected item in a new window.
Command‑NCreate a new item.
Command‑EEdit the selected item.
Command‑SSave changes to an item.
EscCancel an edit.
Command-RReveal or conceal secure fields in the selected item.
OptionTemporarily reveal all secure fields in the selected item.*
DeleteMove the selected item(s) to the Archive.
Command-DeleteDelete the selected item(s).
Shift-Command-DCollapse or expand the sidebar.
Command-Plus (+)Zoom in.
Command-Minus (-)Zoom out.
Command-0Revert to actual size.
Command‑MMinimize the app to the Dock.
Command‑WClose the current window.

Quick Access

Shift-Command-Space barOpen or close Quick Access.
EscClear the search field.
Command-1 to Command-9Switch accounts or collections.
Right ArrowView all available actions.
Command-CCopy username or primary field.
Shift-Command-CCopy password.
Option-Command-CCopy one-time password.
Command-OOpen item details in a new window.
Option-ReturnOpen the website for the login in your browser and fill your username and password.
Shift-ReturnFill in the item in the currently focused app.
Shift-Command-OOpen the item in the app.

1Password keyboard shortcuts for the browser

Shift-Command-XOpen or close the 1Password pop-up in Chrome, Edge, Brave, or Safari.
Command-Period (.)Open or close the 1Password pop-up in Firefox.
Command-FSearch for items.
EscClear the search field.
Command-DShow the list of vaults.
Command-Down ArrowOpen or close the category menu.
Down ArrowSelect the next category, item, or field.
Up ArrowSelect the previous category, item, or field.
Right ArrowSelect the item details.
Left ArrowSelect the item list.
Space barExpand item overview banners.
ReturnCopy the selected item detail.
Perform the default action for the selected item.
Command-CCopy the username of the selected item.
Shift-Command-CCopy the password of the selected item.
Control-Shift-Command-CCopy the one-time password of the selected item.
Command-ReturnOpen the website for the selected login in a new tab and fill your username and password.
Command-OOpen the selected item in a separate window.
Command-ICreate a new item.
Command-EEdit the selected item.
Control-OptionTemporarily reveal all secure fields in the selected item.
Command-GShow the password generator.
Command-CCopy a password from the password generator.
Shift-Command-LLock 1Password.
EscClose the 1Password pop-up.

1Password keyboard shortcuts for Windows

Global keyboard shortcuts

Enter your own shortcut.Show 1Password.
Ctrl + Shift + Space barShow Quick Access.
Ctrl + Shift + LLock 1Password.
Ctrl + Backslash (\)Fill in Browser.

1Password app

Ctrl + Shift + Slash (/)View keyboard shortcuts.
Ctrl + Comma (,)Open settings.
Ctrl + FSearch for items.
Ctrl + Alt + FFind items in the current list.
EscClear the search field.
Ctrl + 1Switch to All Accounts.
Ctrl + 2-9Switch accounts and collections.
Alt + Left ArrowGo back.
Alt + Right ArrowGo forward.
Down ArrowFocus next row.
Up ArrowFocus previous row.
Right ArrowFocus right section.
Left ArrowFocus left section.
Enter or Space barActivate focused element.
Ctrl + CCopy the username or primary field of the selected item.
Ctrl + Shift + CCopy the password of the selected item.
Ctrl + Alt + CCopy the one-time password of the selected item.
Ctrl + Shift + FOpen the website for the selected login in your browser and fill your username and password.
Ctrl + OOpen the selected item in a new window.
Ctrl + NCreate a new item.
Ctrl + EEdit the selected item.
Ctrl + SSave changes to an item.
EscCancel an edit.
Ctrl + RReveal or conceal secure fields in the selected item.
Ctrl + AltTemporarily reveal all secure fields in the selected item.*
DeleteMove the selected item(s) to the Archive.
Ctrl + DeleteDelete the selected item(s).
Ctrl + Shift + DCollapse or expand the sidebar.
Ctrl + Plus (+)Zoom in.
Ctrl + Minus (-)Zoom out.
Ctrl + 0Revert to actual size.

Quick Access

Ctrl + Shift + Space barOpen or close Quick Access.
EscClear the search field.
Ctrl + 1-9Switch accounts or collections.
Right ArrowView all available actions.
Ctrl + CCopy username or primary field.
Ctrl + Shift + CCopy password.
Ctrl + Alt + CCopy the one-time password.
Ctrl + OOpen item details in a new window.
Alt + EnterOpen the website for the login in your browser and fill your username and password.
Ctrl + Shift + OOpen the item in the app.

1Password keyboard shortcuts for the browser

Ctrl + Shift + XOpen or close the 1Password pop-up in Chrome, Edge, or Brave.
Ctrl + Period (.)Open or close the 1Password pop-up in Firefox.
Ctrl + FSearch for items.
EscClear the search field.
Ctrl + DShow the list of vaults.
Ctrl + Down ArrowOpen or close the category menu.
Down ArrowSelect the next category, item, or field.
Up ArrowSelect the previous category, item, or field.
Right ArrowSelect the item details.
Left ArrowSelect the item list.
Space barExpand item overview banners.
EnterCopy the selected item detail.
Perform the default action for the selected item.
Ctrl + CCopy the username of the selected item.
Ctrl + Shift + CCopy the password of the selected item.
Ctrl + Shift + Windows logo key  + CCopy the one-time password of the selected item.
Ctrl + EnterOpen the website for the selected login in a new tab and fill your username and password.
Ctrl + OOpen the selected item in a separate window.
Ctrl + ICreate new item.
Ctrl + EEdit the selected item.
Ctrl + AltTemporarily reveal all secure fields in the selected item.
Ctrl + GShow the password generator.
Ctrl + CCopy a password from the password generator.
Ctrl + Shift + LLock 1Password.
EscClose the 1Password pop-up.

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