After the launch of new iPhone models, Apple gave older models a price cut in India


Apple introduced all new iPhone XS, iPhone Xs Max and iPhone XR at an event in the U.S. After it announced these phones and confirmed the price, the company has also announced a price cut for older iPhone models. So, starting from iPhone 6s series to iPhone X, older iPhone models will cost lesser than before.

It is also worth to note that Apple hiked the price of iPhone models few months back after the increase in import duty.

Phone that received the highest price cut is the iPhone 7 Plus 32GB. Now it costs Rs. 22940 lesser than below. Here is the list of older and never price along with the price cut. Here, the price mentioned is the MRP.

ModelOld Price (INR )New Price ( INR)Price cut (INR)
iPhone 6s 32GB429002990013000
iPhone 6s 128GB521003990012200
iPhone 6s Plus 32GB522403490017340
iPhone 6s Plus 128GB614504490016550
iPhone 7 32GB523703990012470
iPhone 7 128GB615604990011660
iPhone 7 Plus 32GB628403990022940
iPhone 7 Plus 128GB720604990022160
iPhone 8 64GB67940599008040
iPhone 8 256GB81500749006600
iPhone 8 Plus 64GB77560699007660
iPhone 8 Plus 256GB91110849006210
iPhone X 64GB95390919003490
iPhone X 256GB1089301069002030

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