Edit google maps to add local knowledge for canada

Google has announced its Map maker programmer to make possible to edit Google maps and add local data. It is hard to add all the things on Google maps so Google is trying to take help of users. This program is only launched for the Canada users.
Google has created Map Maker program for the places where the least data was available, or where it made little economical sense to pay for it,
Google has announced,”Today we’re opening the map of Canada in Google Map Maker for users to add their expert local knowledge directly to Google Maps. Users know their neighborhood or hometown best, and with Google Map Maker they can ensure the places they care about are richly represented on the map.”
“Users know their neighborhood or hometown best, and with Google Map Maker they can ensure the places they care about are richly represented on the map,” company added.
All the changes done by users will go throuch the approval process before going live to the Maps.
Google has also posted a video on the blog to help users.

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