“Instant Messaging is becoming a popular tool for internal and external communications in organizations of every size. According to Symantec Intelligence, 1 in 11.3 links sent over IM link to malicious Web sites while our Symantec Instant Messaging survey revealed that fewer than half of the organizations surveyed have suitable controls for monitoring IM,” said Tom Powledge, vice president of Product Delivery, Symantec.cloud.
“The casual nature of IM paired with a tendency to de-prioritize IM security leaves organizations susceptible to compliance breaches, data loss and malware infection. IMS.cloud takes the risk out of IM so that companies can meet user demand for the latest technology while allowing a flexible and collaborative working environment anytime from anywhere.”
This clod baed tool scans every thing that is sent or recieved through instant messaging. Each files sent through IM is also checked for companies policies for legal issues too.