How to Post on Instagram from PC – Two Easy Ways

how to Post on Instagram from PC

Instagram is the popular photo-sharing and filter app. It is one of the most popular apps in the world. Instagram launched an official app for Windows 10 but you could only like, follow, browse, and see notifications in that. Also, there was no dedicated app for Mac OS. Back in March, Instagram went ahead and allowed users to upload from the Instagram mobile website. But there is no official way to upload photos to Instagram from PC. You can still post on Instagram from PC with a little workaround.

Why do we need the option to post on Instagram from PC?

Photographers take photos from DSLR, transfer them to the desktop, and edit them with photo editing software. For posting to Instagram, they need a step more and transfer editing photos to the smartphone for uploading to Instagram. Having an option to upload photos to Instagram directly from the desktop can save time and effort.

If you are one of those who are looking for an easy way to post to Instagram, here is the solution to your query “How to Post on Instagram from PC?”. In this article, I am adding two ways. Both ways work on all platforms including Windows, Mac, or Linux.

How to upload Post to Instagram from desktop

Method 1: Use Facebook Creator Studio

Facebook Creator Studio is a single place to manage your Facebook and Instagram accounts. You only need to connect your Instagram account to Facebook Creator Studio. Then you can create new posts from the Facebook Creator Studio web panel or app. You can also access analytics and run ads on Instagram posts using Facebook Creator Studio. Click on this link to access the Instagram section of Facebook Creator Studio. Then click on Add Instagram Account link at the top left corner.

Post Instagram from PC

It will ask you to log in and link your Instagram account with Facebook. Then you will start seeing your Instagram account on this page the same way my Instagram account is available. Check the screenshot above.

Then click on Create Post link at the top left corner for posting new content on Instagram using Facebook Creator Studio.

Post Instagram from PC

Now you can upload the photo, write a caption with the hashtag and then click on Publish button to post on Instagram using the web browser of your PC or laptop.

Post Instagram from PC.

This is the method I use to manage my Instagram account on PC. This method also lets you schedule posts on Instagram without using any third-party solution.

Another good thing about this way is that you can post on Instagram and connected Facebook page at the same time. As I manage Techlomedia Facebook Page and Instagram Page, I can post or schedule posts using Facebook Creator Studio from one place and posts will be shared on both Facebook and Instagram. I can also select different captions for Facebook and Instagram.

Method 2: Open Mobile website on the browser

As I already said, Instagram allows users to upload photos from the mobile site. So, you can open the mobile website in the browser. If you are not sure how to do this, you can keep reading to know how to do that in different browsers.

Follow these steps to post on Instagram from Google Chrome, Firefox, and Opera:

Open your web browser and go to Here Sign in to the account where you want to post photos from the desktop. Now Right Click on the web page and click on Inspect option in the context menu. It will open the developer tool. Now, look for the Tablet or smartphone Icon at the top left of the “Inspect window”. When the website comes in mobile view, reload the page.

How to Post on Instagram from PC

After these steps, you will get an upload icon at the end of the Instagram page, just like the Instagram app. Now, you can upload any photos to Instagram from your PC.

Post on Instagram from Safari:

MacBook users basically use the Safari browser. If you want to post photos on Instagram from MacBook, follow these easy steps. 

First of all, you need to enable the developer menu. for this. Go to Safari browser –> Preferences –> Advanced. Click on the box “Show Develop menu in the menu.

how to post on instagram from mac

Now, open a Safari window. Go to Develop –> User-Agent –> Safari –> iOS 10 –> iPhone. Type on the URL box,, and sign in to it. You will see a Camera button at the bottom of the screen. Click on the camera button to upload a photo from your MacBook. This is the best solution for your query “how to upload photos to Instagram from mac.”

Read More: Check Who Unfollowed Me on Instagram

Final Words

These are the two easy ways to upload photos to Instagram from your laptop. You will never face any kind of errors or problems by using these two simple ways of uploading photos to Instagram from the desktop. The first method is safest as you are using the Instagram website for uploading the photos. The second method may have a risk as Instagram does not allow any third-party API to use the posting feature. Still, Gramblr managed to reproduce the feature on its tool. There are few more tools similar to Gramblr that allow you to upload photos on Instagram from the desktop.

If you know of any other interesting and easy way to upload photos on Instagram from Macbook or Windows, do share your experience with us in the comments.

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