Reliance Net Connect Website Hacked and Defaced

Reliance Net Connect Hacked

Website of Reliance Net Connect has been hacked and defaced. Deface page says “Hacked by Dr-Freaak and Napsters Cr3W.” Reliance Net Connect is the part of Reliance communications and is the leading CDMA and GSM service providers in India.

Now the website has been restored by the company but you can see the deface page on the mirror at Zone-H.

Reliance Net Connect Hacked

Hackers had not mentioned any reason for this defacement. Deface page also contains few names at the bottom which can be the name of group members.

Few months back, reliance communications’ server was also hacked in the response of blockage of website. Reliance had blocked many website after the court order, then its server had been hacked.

Once again the security of a big organization has been compromised. Hackers are the biggest threats these days and no one can claim to be fully safe from them.

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