Amazon Launches its Game Network, GameCircle For Kindle Fire

Amazon is planning to take on Apple’s GameCenter with its own Game network, GameCircle for Kindle Fire. With this new game network, Amazon plans to create more engaging gaming experiences for kindle fire gamers.

“GameCircle will make achievements, leaderboards and sync APIs accessible, simple and quick for you to integrate, and will give gamers a more seamless and entertaining in-game experience,” Amazon said.

This network has been launched with API for developers. Developers can sign up to access Game Circle API from this Link: GameCircle Developer API.

Gamers who have switched to this new game network can find games from game Circle marketplace here: GameCircle Games. Those playing Kindle Fire games with GameCircle will access the service through their Amazon Accounts.

“Players will not have to worry about losing progress, scores or achievements between Kindle Fire devices, as all data is securely stored in the cloud,” Amazon said.

In GameCircle, Achievements section allow gamers to keep track of all earned trophies, treasures, badges, awards, and more without leaving the game they are playing. This feature is likely to be take from Apple’s GameCenter.

Leaderboards section allows users to see their records against other gamers on the network. They can see score comparison information and percentile ranking.  It also allows players to quickly and easily check standings against top players or competitors, without ever leaving your game.

Sync feature allows users to sync their game progress across various devices. It saves game progress to cloud and allows them to pick-up exactly where they left off when restoring a deleted game or switching devices.Players will not have to think of losing game progress or achievements.

You can see more about this GameCircle in the demo video below:

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