Alexa now understands Hindi on Fire TV devices

Fire TV Stick and Fire TV Stick Lite

Amazon has pushed an important update to Fire TV devices in India. Now Alexa on Amazon Fire TV device understands Hindi. So, users can give voice commands in the Hindi language.

You can now ask Alexa to open an app, move content forward or backward, ask for general knowledge questions and weather updates in Hindi. It supports local information and hundreds of skills in Hindi.

“Customers can switch to Hindi through their Alexa Voice Remote by navigating to the Fire TV language settings by clicking Settings, Device Options, and then Device Language. New Fire TV customers can select Hindi while setting up their device right out of the box,” the company said in a statement.

For switching to the Hindi language, you need to go to the Settings section. Then navigate to Device options and select Device Language. New users can simply select the Hindi language while setting up their new Amazon device.

Fire TV devices are also getting the ability to be a part of Alexa Routines. Alexa Routines let users set a series of actions on single voice command. For example say, “Alexa I am getting a snack” Alexa will pause your Fire TV content and will turn on your smart lights.

“Customers can also create a Routine so that when they say ‘Alexa, time for bed,’ Alexa will turn off their TV and begin dimming their smart lights. These are just a few examples of Routines you can now create,” said Amazon in a press statement.

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