Zynga announced project z, facebook powered social game network

Social gaming giant Zynga has announced it’s project z, a new social gaming network powered by facebook.
It is also known as Zynga Live and Zynga DIrect. Users can start their games at facebook and then easily brings it to project z network and vice versa.
This type of gaming network was expected for few months because Zynga wants to reduce depndency over the facebook and want its seperate network. Zynga has soome problem with facebook because of 30% revenue sharing on gaming. 
Zynga do not want to lose its gamers so it has to be depend on the facebook connect but now it is trying to take all gamers of the facebook with this new game network where player can switch to game network from the facebook.
Zynga CEO Mark Pincus confirms,”It’s called Project Z, and it’s a part of Zynga’s “direct-to-consumer” strategy — i.e. it’s the company’s first to direct-to-consumer product.  From what I’m hearing it will be its own website separate from Facebook, but you will still need a Facebook account to play the games. Zynga is only revealing that it will utilize Facebook Connect and will be interoperable so that you can start a game on Facebook and resume play at the same point somewhere else.”
Company has not announced the launch date of the plaform. It is still coming soon.

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