Beeper Mini’s iMessage Integration for Android Hits a Snag: Service Abruptly Stops

Beeper Mini

A few days back, a new Android app Beeper Mini was launched. The app promised the integration of iMessage and allowed Android users to send and receive iMessage messages natively. The app managed to successfully reverse engineer iMessage, allowing users to sign in with their Apple ID or link their Android phone number. However, the excitement has been short-lived as reports flood in that the app has abruptly stopped working for many users.

While the integration of iMessage on Android is not a new concept, Beeper Mini distinguished itself by ensuring a robust security setup. The app’s unique approach involved reverse engineering iMessage, enabling users to sign in directly with their Apple ID or link their Android phone number to iMessage.

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Despite the initial success and positive user experiences, the longevity of Beeper Mini’s functionality came into question. The app’s sudden failure to operate has left users puzzled and frustrated, with many taking to platforms like Reddit to share their experiences.

As of now, reports from numerous users indicate that Beeper Mini is currently unable to send or receive messages. Additionally, some users have encountered issues with Apple ID sign-in, particularly when attempting to reinstall the app or activate it on a new device. The exact cause of this unexpected service interruption remains unclear.

In-house testing of the app has yielded an error message stating, “failed to lookup on server; lookup request timed out.” This cryptic message provides little insight into the root cause of the problem. It has also left users and industry experts speculating about potential technical glitches or server-related issues.

Beeper Mini, has taken the unprecedented step of deregistering Android phone numbers from iMessage. It has also promised users that the fix is in the works and is expected to be released. To compensate for the inconvenience, Beeper has extended the 7-day free trial by an additional week, ensuring users won’t incur charges until the app is fully operational.

The move to deregister phone numbers is strategic. When a phone number is linked to iMessage, iPhones automatically prioritize sending messages over iMessage rather than SMS. Beeper recommends that users who have tried Beeper Mini manually deregister their numbers through Apple’s online portal. The company cautions that the process may take up to 24 hours for numbers to be completely purged from iMessage.

As the Beeper team works diligently to resolve the issue, users are advised to stay tuned for further updates and instructions regarding the reactivation of Beeper Mini’s services.

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