Sublime Text Keyboard Shortcuts

Sublime Text

Sublime Text is a popular cross-platform source code editor used by developers for writing codes in different languages. The code editor supports several programming languages and markup languages. It supports syntax highlighting, auto-indentation, macros, and plugins. This tool also shows a sidebar with all files and directories. You can open several files in different tabs to keep working on them at the same time. It also supports auto-completion, color coding elements, and error messages. If you use Sublime Text for writing codes, you need to learn keyboard shortcuts of Sublime Text to perform several tasks faster. In this article, I am listing Sublime Text keyboard shortcuts.

Sublime Text keyboard shortcuts for Windows and Linux


Ctrl XCut line
Ctrl Insert line after
Ctrl  Insert line before
Ctrl  Move line/selection up
Ctrl  Move line/selection down
Ctrl LSelect line – Repeat to select next lines
Ctrl DSelect word – Repeat select others occurrences
Ctrl MJump to closing parentheses Repeat to jump to opening parentheses
Ctrl  MSelect all contents of the current parentheses
Ctrl  KDelete Line
Ctrl KCtrl KDelete from cursor to end of line
Ctrl KCtrl Delete from cursor to start of line
Ctrl ]Indent current line(s)
Ctrl [Un-indent current line(s)
Ctrl  DDuplicate line(s)
Ctrl JJoin line below to the end of the current line
Ctrl /Comment/un-comment current line
Ctrl  /Block comment current selection
Ctrl YRedo, or repeat last keyboard shortcut command
Ctrl  VPaste and indent correctly
Ctrl Select next auto-complete suggestion
Ctrl Usoft undo; jumps to your last change before undoing change when repeated
Alt  WWrap Selection in html tag
Alt .Close current html tag


Ctrl Alt Column selection up
Ctrl Alt Column selection down


Alt  Column selection up
Alt  Column selection down

Navigation/Goto Anywhere

Ctrl PQuick-open files by name
Ctrl RGoto symbol
Ctrl ;Goto word in current file
Ctrl GGoto line in current file


Ctrl  PCommand prompt
Ctrl KCtrl BToggle side bar
Ctrl Alt  PShow scope in status bar


Ctrl FFind
Ctrl HReplace
Ctrl  FFind in files


Ctrl  TOpen last closed tab
Ctrl Page UpCycle up through tabs
Ctrl Page UpCycle down through tabs
Ctrl Switch to a previous tab, hold  and repeat  to cycle through previous tabs
Ctrl  Switch in reverse order to a previous tab, hold Ctrl  and repeat  to cycle through previous tabs in reverse
Ctrl WClose current tab
Alt [1-9]Switch to tab number

Split window

Alt  1Revert view to single column
Alt  2Split view into two columns
Alt  3Split view into three columns
Alt  4Split view into four columns
Alt  5Set view to grid (4 groups)
Alt  8Split view into two rows
Ctrl [1-4]Jump to group
Ctrl  [1-4]Move file to specified group


Ctrl F2Toggle bookmark
F2Next bookmark
 F2Previous bookmark
Ctrl  F2Clear bookmarks

Text manipulation

Ctrl KCtrl UTransform to upper case
Ctrl KCtrl LTransform to lower case

Sublime Text keyboard shortcuts for macOS


 XCut line
 Insert line after
  Insert line before
Ctrl  Move line/selection up
Ctrl  Move line/selection down
 LSelect line – Repeat to select next lines
 DSelect word – Repeat to select next occurrence
Ctrl  GSelect all occurrences of current selection
Ctrl  Extra cursor on the line above
Ctrl  Extra cursor on the line below
Ctrl MJump to closing parentheses Repeat to jump to opening parentheses
Ctrl  MSelect all contents of the current parentheses
Ctrl AMove to beginning of line
 Move to beginning of text on line
Ctrl E Move to the end of line
 K KDelete from cursor to end of line
 K Delete from cursor to start of line
 ]Indent current line(s)
 [Un-indent current line(s)
  DDuplicate line(s)
 JJoin line below to the end of the current line
 /Comment/un-comment current line
  /Block comment on current selection
 YRedo, or repeat the last keyboard shortcut command
  VPaste and indent correctly
Ctrl Select next auto-complete suggestion
 USoft undo; jumps to your last change before undoing change when repeated
Ctrl  Column selection up
Ctrl  Column selection down
Ctrl  WWrap Selection in html tag
Ctrl  KDelete current line of cursor

Navigation/Goto Anywhere

 P TQuick-open files by name
 RGoto symbol
Goto word in the current file
Ctrl GGoto line in the current file


  PCommand Palette
Ctrl `Python Console
Ctrl  FToggle fullscreen mode
Ctrl   FToggle distraction-free mode
 K BToggle sidebar
Ctrl  PShow scope in the status bar


  FFind in files
 IIncremental Find


Ctrl VScroll down one page
Ctrl LCenter current line vertically in the page
 Scroll to the end of file
 Scroll to the start of file


  TOpen last closed tab
 [1-9]Jump to tab in the current group
 0Jump to the 10th tab in the current group
  [Cycle left through tabs
  ]Cycle right through tabs
Ctrl Cycle up through recent tabs
Ctrl  Cycle down through recent tabs
Find in files

Split window

  1Revert view to a single column
  2Split view into two columns
  3Split view into three columns
  4Split view into four columns
  5Set view to the grid (4 groups)
Ctrl [1-4]Jump to group
Ctrl  [1-4]Move the file to a specified group


 F2Toggle bookmark
F2Next bookmark
 F2Previous bookmark
  F2Clear bookmarks

Text manipulation

 K UTransform to Uppercase
 K LTransform to Lowercase
Ctrl  Ctrl  Clip text upwards / downwards

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