Reddit has unveiled a new AI-driven search feature called Reddit Answers. This tool is designed to deliver summaries of conversations and posts from across the platform in a conversational format. So, users can get direct and relevant answers for different queries.
Reddit Answers provide a chat interface where you can ask questions in plain language. It provides answers directly from real redditors and also include links to posts and comments made in Reddit communities.
Answers is part of Reddit’s broader strategy to stay ahead in AI and content. Most people already appoint “Reddit” to their Google searches for finding community-driven insights on different topics. This is the reason Google has also improved Redit’s visibility in searching giving Reddit millions of additional traffic each month.
At this moment, Reddit has no immediate plans for monetization. However, it will explore revenue opportunities in the future.
Reddit Answers is still in beta and is being rolled out to a limited number of users in the United States on web and iOS platforms. The broader rollout is expected next year.