10 Websites to practice coding problems

Practice Coding

Coding is not only about learning the syntax of a programming language. You need to understand how to solve problems using algorithms. For being a good software developer, you need to practice to reinforce your knowledge. Practice is essential for learning to code effectively. With practice, you can build muscle memory, which can help you to code faster and with fewer errors. It also helps develop problem-solving skills to tackle complex problems.

There are several good platforms where you can find interesting coding problems to solve. These platforms offer a wide range of coding problems in various difficulty levels and domains, such as algorithms, data structures, and programming languages. This makes it easy for learners to find problems that match their skill level and interests. If you spend a few hours daily on these platforms, you will be able to become a better problem solver and good at coding. You also get feedback and solutions for each problem for effective learning.

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If you are not sure how to practice coding, keep reading. In this article, I am making a list of the best platforms for practicing your coding skills.

Best Platforms to practice coding problems

1. LeetCode

LeetCode is a popular platform for coding challenges and interview preparation. It has a vast collection of problems in various programming languages and difficulty levels. The website also provides solutions and explanations for each problem, as well as discussion forums to connect with other users.

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2. HackerRank

HackerRank offers coding challenges and contests in multiple domains, including algorithms, data structures, and artificial intelligence. The website also provides a virtual interview platform, where users can practice their interview skills with real-world questions asked by top companies.

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3. CodeSignal

CodeSignal offers a wide range of coding challenges and assessments, which are designed to help users prepare for job interviews and coding contests. The website also provides a feature called “Coding Arcade,” where users can practice coding problems in a game-like environment.

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4. Project Euler

Project Euler is a website that offers a collection of challenging mathematical and computational problems. The problems are designed to be solved with programming, and they cover a wide range of topics, including number theory, combinatorics, and graph theory.

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5. CodeChef

CodeChef offers a wide range of coding challenges, contests, and training programs. The website hosts monthly coding contests, which are open to all users, and also provides practice problems and tutorials to help users improve their skills.

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6. Codewars

Codewars is a platform that offers coding challenges in multiple programming languages, including Python, JavaScript, and Ruby. The website also provides a feature called “Kata,” which are small coding problems that users can solve to improve their skills.

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7. TopCoder

TopCoder offers online coding challenges and contests, which are open to all users. The website also provides a virtual tournament platform, where users can compete with other users in real-time coding contests.

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8. Codeforces

Codeforces is a platform that offers coding contests and practice problems. The website has a large community of users, and it provides a rating system that allows users to track their progress and compare themselves with other users.

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9. Exercism

Exercism is a website that offers coding challenges and exercises, which are designed to help users improve their coding skills. The website also provides feedback and mentoring from experienced developers, which can help users to learn more effectively.

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10. Coderbyte

Coderbyte is a website that offers coding challenges and assessments, which are designed to help users prepare for job interviews and coding contests. The website also provides a feature called “Code School,” where users can learn new programming concepts and techniques.

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