Facebook Started Testing Downvote Button in Facebook Comments


People were demanding the dislike button for ling, but Facebook always kept itself away from this. Now it seems the company has started testing a similar button with different name.

Few users are seeing a downvote link for comments along with Like and reply. Reports claim that the option is available for around 5% of English-speaking, US Android users.

A Twitter user Christina Hudler shared the screenshot and told the world about this feature.

Clicking on this opens options like “Offensive”, “Misleading”, and “Off Topic”.

The downvote button only appears on public Page posts. It is not yet available on Groups posts or posts from individual users. Facebook has also confirmed TechCrunch that this downvote button is not the dislike button but it is an option to get feedback about comments on public page posts.

Facebook already had the “Hide” option for hiding comments but this option will help the company to identify false and spam comments along with people involved in this. This new option can be seen as an attempt to fight against fake news. The company has already taken several other steps to downlink clickbait articles and articles speaking fake news.

I haven’t seen this feature yet. If you got this feature, do not forget to share the snapshot with us and also let us know your feedback. Do you think that the downvote option would help in discouraging the Fake news on the Facebook? Let us know in the comments.


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