Bing Added Hotel Booking Feature to 22 Countries

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Bing has brought hotel booking to its search engine in 22 countries. For this feature, company has partnered with TripAdvisor. So, you can check flights in this holiday season.

Whenever you will search for a hotel on Bing, it will show you reviews of the hotel at the right side along with the ability to book hotel. This feature is available in 22 countries including India, United States, Canada.

See the snapshot below in which I searched for hotel Taj Mahal palace Mumbai and it showed my adding booking form and reviews of the hotel.

Bing has also improved the mobile search results page. First set of mobile optimization will be available in coming weeks. URLs will be replaced by breadcrums and rich snippet data will also be shown.

In India, very few people use Bing search engine and I don’t think that addition of these feature is going to help it. But for other countries, these feature will surely bring some excitements.

Do you use Bing? Share with us via comments.

Source: Bing Blog

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