Twitter’s 140 Character tweet Limit Hacked

Twitter, the popular micro blogging website only allow users to post a tweet of 140 characters. But today a tweet having character length more than 900 characters was seen on the Twitter. 
The strange message consits only backslashes and a bunch of numbers with a message that was russian ot some related language. 
The tweet contains sequence of  “\355\240\265\355\263\220\355\240\265\”
After this tweet, analyst have started to give explanation about this strange tweet. The first explanation that came was that the message actually contains “Unicode surrogate code points that are improperly encoded as UTF-8.”
A user Ladadadada from the UK claims that this is possible since each group of characters that begins with a backslash represents an escape sequence, which is regarded as a valid character constant. That means that each of these sequences is viewed as a single character, but Twitter actually displays them as four.

“Some of the escape sequences available are ‘control characters’. These tell the computer to do something such as playing an alert sound or moving the cursor left or right or up or down or deleting the character to the left of the cursor. Although none of them are the last one I mentioned (deleting the previous character), he might have used that character to confuse Twitter as well,” Ladadadada says.


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